Small Business & The Affordable Care Act

We are in the second year of the Affordable Care Act being fully implemented, however, for most of us this Act has brought more confusion, as to the available options small business owner have. A great resource for questions suited toward Small Business Owners is made available by the Small Business Administration.

On July 21th, 2016, the SBA is hosting a free webinar, “Affordable Care Act 101 Webinars for Small Business Employers”. “SBA, the Department of Health Human and Services, and Small Business Majority have teamed up for a free webinar series where small employers can learn the basics of the Affordable Care Act and what it means for their organization and SBAemployees. Topics covered include the Small Business Health Care Tax Credit, the new Health Insurance Marketplace, and Employer Shared Responsibility and new employer reporting requirements.” (

To take advantage of this offering, you can follow the link below.


SMA Southern Medical Association. (2015, 01 21). Affordable-Care-Act-800×5401-400×270.jpg. Retrieved 07 14, 2016, from
U.S. Small Business Administration. (2016). Retrieved from Managing Business: Small Business Health Care:
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